Skills for a Globalized World: Developing Conceptual, Academic, and Technical Proficiency in Education for International Understanding
Education for International Understanding, Global Competence, Conceptual Skills, Academic Skills, Technical Skills, Globalization and Education, Curriculum Development, Intercultural Education, 21st Century Skills, Skill-Based LearningAbstract
Enhancing cooperation between states calls for an educational model through which learners can effectively participate in the contemporary world. This study, titled "Skills for a Globalized World: Entitled, “Conceptual, Academic, and Technical Skills in the Implementation of Education for International Understanding,” comprehensively outlines the EIU and how to properly incorporate the three aptitudes—conceptual, academic, and technical—into the program. Conceptual skills are all about enabling children to think critically, embrace cultural diversity, and become good world citizens. Scholastic competencies pertain to reading, writing, and arithmetical ability, as well as information in several fields conducive to abstract thinking across cultures. Technical skills engage the practical dimension of acquiring knowledge and particularly using technology to overcome space and ethnicity barriers. Conducting interviews and surveys in the context of various educational levels, the work explores the views of educators and students. It presents approaches to curriculum and instruction in which these skills are supported as well as barriers to such practices. The study emphasizes the importance of the balanced skills development model for preparing learners for meeting world challenges, working in international teams, and enhancing idea-creation abilities. This paper is important in the current conversation about education on the global level because it is filled with practical recommendations for policymakers, educators, and institutions interested in using skills-based education to foster better international relations.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Jonah A. Coste, Regina P. Galigao (Author)

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