Efficacy of Printed Modules and Challenges in Assessment in Relation to Academic Performance of Learners in Mathematics



Academic performance, assessment, printed modules, learners


The study aimed to determine the level of efficacy of printed modules and degree of challenges in assessment in relation to the academic performance of Math 8 learners in Mathematics of Bais City National High School (BCNHS) of the Division of Bais City, Negros Oriental during the School Year 2020-2021. It examined the level of efficacy of printed modules according to integrity, usability, readability and accessibility. Moreover, this study aimed to find out whether or not significant difference exist in the following areas when grouped and compared according to sex and average family monthly income. Further, it aimed to determine the degree of challenges in assessment according to strategy, feedback mechanism and performance tasks. This study made use of descriptive research design with 237 students as respondents. Results shows that there was a significant difference in the level of efficacy of printed modules in the areas of integrity and readability but no significant difference in the areas of usability and accessibility when grouped according to sex, and no significant difference in the level of efficacy of printed modules in the aforementioned areas when grouped according to average family monthly income. It is recommended that the Chief of School Governance and Operation Division (SGOD) should craft training for upskilling teachers about assessment in the new normal. The school head should send notes of recognition to all types of learners for achieving satisfactory academic performance to motivate them to sustain or improve the current achievement status.


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How to Cite

Paundog , C. . (2025). Efficacy of Printed Modules and Challenges in Assessment in Relation to Academic Performance of Learners in Mathematics. International Multidisciplinary Journal of Research for Innovation, Sustainability, and Excellence (IMJRISE), 2(1), 113-121. https://risejournals.org/index.php/imjrise/article/view/910