Managing Disruptive Behavior in Classrooms: A Systematic Review of Intervention Strategies for Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Difficulties (SEBD)
Social Emotional, and Behavioral Difficulties (SEBD), Classroom Interventions, Behavior Management, Teacher Training, Proactive StrategiesAbstract
This systematic review examines evidence-based interventions for addressing social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties (SEBD) in school-aged children within classroom settings. A comprehensive literature search across multiple educational and psychological databases identified 23 studies that met the inclusion criteria. These studies encompassed a range of interventions, including behavior management techniques, both proactive and reactive strategies, as well as individualized support approaches. The findings indicate that structured interventions significantly improve individual student outcomes, such as reduced disruptive behavior and improved academic engagement, while also enhancing the overall classroom climate. Furthermore, the review emphasizes the importance of professional development for educators in behavior management techniques, ensuring that they are well-equipped to implement these strategies effectively. This focus on teacher training is critical in fostering supportive and responsive learning environments. Additionally, the review highlights gaps in the current research, suggesting the need for future studies to explore sustainable, scalable interventions that can be widely implemented in diverse classroom settings. Overall, the review underscores the significance of tailored interventions for managing SEBD and the necessity of continued research to refine and expand these strategies for broader applicability in schools.
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