Language Instruction: Towards Creating A Culture and Climate for Thinking
language instruction, creating, culture and climate, thinkingAbstract
The study determined what the teachers teach during language instruction in creating a culture and climate for thinking. The respondents of the study were teachers and learners of a public school. The method used in this study was descriptive research design. The method of gathering data was a survey questionnaire. Statistical treatments used were percentage, mean, standard deviation and Mann Whitney U-Test. The findings of the study revealed that majority of the teacher-participants are in the age bracket of 35 to 39 years old, females, with master’s units and in the service for five to nine years. The leaner-participants are mostly females and in the HUMMS strand. In teaching language class, teachers give more emphasis on self-system which means willing to exchange ideas, willing to show evidence, be curious and question the reliability of information. While on teaching language class as perceived by the learners it is more on knowledge utilization which implies that there is transfer to learn, observe, conduct research, create or perform, and innovation. Result reveals that assessment of the teacher and learner-participants on what are taught in language instruction have significant difference, when grouped accordingly; therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected.
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