Parents’ Involvement in Students’ Learning



parental involvement, Learning , Students


This study determined the level of parents’ involvement in students’ learning in one of the middle schools in Beijing, China, during the school year 2022-2023. The study's respondents are 50 parents using descriptive research design utilizing the frequency count, simple percentage, weighted mean, and Mann-Whitney U-Test to interpret the data collected. The level of parents’ involvement in students’ learning was determined according to the areas; Parenting, Communicating, Decision- making and Collaborating with the community. Findings revealed that the level of parental involvement in students’ learning in the area of Decision-making was high and in the area of collaborating with the community was moderate. Meanwhile, the level of parental involvement in the students learning in the area of parenting, communicating, decision-making, and collaborating with the community was the same. Based on the findings, this study calls for teachers to create programs that will generate parent-teacher partnership, recognition of parents and child’s achievement in school aside from giving report cards. Also, School heads and teachers should build a comfortable learning environment to sustain the learners’ interest and open communication with the parents, and conduct regular consultations and orientation of the school vision and mission for the welfare of their children. Further, parents should be informed through letters or an info board with a schedule within the allotted time. And lastly, teachers and school heads create a grouping for parents to collaborate on school projects with the goal of their children’s welfare in school. 


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How to Cite

Na, Y. ., Francisco, M. L., Apostol , M. A. ., Dr. Mae Harriet De La Peña , D. M. H. ., & Daulong , J. . (2024). Parents’ Involvement in Students’ Learning. International Multidisciplinary Journal of Research for Innovation, Sustainability, and Excellence (IMJRISE), 1(11), 278–289.