Learners’ Reading Readiness of Grade 3 Full Refresher



Learner's reading readiness , Full refresher , Word recognition , Decoding and vocabulary skills


This study investigates the reading readiness of Grade Three full refresher learners as a basis for crafting a reading intervention plan. Specifically, it examines the profile of the respondents in terms of sex, family monthly income, distance from home to school and number of siblings, and analyzes how these factors affect reading readiness in the areas of word recognition, decoding and vocabulary skills. The research employs a survey questionnaire to gather data from the respondents. Results indicate that the overall reading readiness is low, with significant variations when grouped according to the identified variables. Word recognition is evidently to be very low across most groups particularly from both low and high- income families. Decoding and vocabulary skills are similarly low, though some categories show slight differences. No significant differences were observed in the learners reading readiness when grouped by sex and number of siblings. However, there is a significant difference in word recognition and vocabulary when grouped by family income, distance from home to school and number of siblings. The findings suggest that low word recognition reflects limited exposures to reading activities, while weak decoding skills highlight difficulties in linking letters to sounds. Vocabulary deficiency imply restricted language comprehension. Based on these results, a targeted reading intervention plan is proposed to enhanced learners’ reading readiness particularly in the areas of word recognition, decoding and vocabulary skills.



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How to Cite

Sazon, G. ., & Eslabon, R. (2024). Learners’ Reading Readiness of Grade 3 Full Refresher. International Multidisciplinary Journal of Research for Innovation, Sustainability, and Excellence (IMJRISE), 1(11), 62-72. https://risejournals.org/index.php/imjrise/article/view/833