The Influence of Education, Religion and Parenting Style to Democratic Values


  • Jhea Kristennele Lastimoso Argawanon Integrated School Author
  • Dr. Regina P. Galigao Cebu Technological University - Main Campus Author


democratic values


This qualitative study aims to investigate the democratic values taught to children among different countries in all continents. Data is mined through internet databases.  The study identified three main sub-variables influencing democratic values: (1) education, (2) religion and (3) parenting style. Moreover, a theory was conceptualized explaining the interplay among these variables to democratic values. Furthermore, based on the data gathered, it reveals that parenting style has the major influence in teaching democratic values to children. This is followed by education, and lastly, religion.


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How to Cite

Lastimoso, J. K., & Galigao, R. (2024). The Influence of Education, Religion and Parenting Style to Democratic Values. International Multidisciplinary Journal of Research for Innovation, Sustainability, and Excellence (IMJRISE), 1(10), 197-209.