Self-efficacy, Practices, DifficultiesAbstract
This study aimed to determine the levels of teachers’ self-efficacy, practices, and difficulties in Alternative Learning System (ALS) in two (2) small-sized divisions in the first congressional district of a province in Central Philippines during the School Year 2022-2023 as basis for an action plan. A descriptive research design was used, and 39 ALS teachers were the respondents of the study. It utilized a valid and reliable researcher-made questionnaire. This study found a high level of self-efficacy, a high level of practice, and a moderate level of difficulties in ALS. Significant differences existed in the level of self-efficacy in ALS according to learning resources as to civil status, highest educational attainment, and experience as ALS teacher; and in monitoring and evaluation as to age and highest educational attainment; but not significant in content and instruction and social interaction. As to the level of practice, significant differences existed in content and instruction, learning resources and monitoring and evaluation, in terms of age and experience as an ALS teacher, and learning resources in terms of highest educational attainment. However, no significant difference existed in social interaction. Finally, no significant difference was found in the level of difficulties teachers experience with ALS. The findings suggest that efforts in Alternative Learning Systems (ALS) should focus on sustaining the already high levels of self-efficacy and practices in ALS while addressing identified moderate levels of difficulties to further optimize the ALS learning experience.
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