Teaching Strategies and Educational Framework Elements among Maritime Educators
teaching strategies, maritime education, AHP, TOPSIS, Practical Training, teachAbstract
The study primarily utilizes a descriptive mixed methods approach combining a comprehensive literature review and quantitative methods to quantify and rank the preference of criteria among teaching strategies through Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) models. Through purposive census sampling 26 maritime educators participated in assessing the decision criteria such as learning objectives, learner characteristics, content characteristics, and technological resources. Results indicate that learning objectives and learner characteristics hold the highest priority weights, emphasizing the importance of skill development and understanding student learning styles. Practical training emerges as the most preferred teaching strategy when considering all the criteria in facilitating direct application of theoretical knowledge in real-world or simulated environments. Simulations, case studies, and group work also demonstrate significant value in fostering critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and collaborative learning among students. The study concludes that aligning these teaching strategies with prioritized criteria, such as emphasizing practical training and addressing diverse learner characteristics enhances educational outcomes. It is recommended that maritime educational institutions integrate these prioritized strategies into their curriculum development to improve student engagement and skill acquisition, thereby preparing students more effectively for real-world maritime challenges.
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