
  • Jonel Garma DepEd-Talisay City Author


MATATAG Curriculum, teachers' lived experiences, curriculum reform, education system, Philippines


Championing a new curriculum implementation requires a lot of effort and may face different challenges before its total implementation. This study aimed to explicit the narratives of the Grade 7 teachers' lived experiences in the implementation of the MATATAG Curriculum for S.Y. 2024-2025. A qualitative method engaged in a Phenomenological design was utilized in this study. A purposive sampling technique was employed to consider the 11 Grade 7 teachers handling MATATAG subjects as the respondents. Using an unstructured interview the teachers' lived experiences were transcribed and assessed by employing thematic analysis to determine the themes that emerged from the responses. The results revealed 4 significant themes from the lived experiences of the teachers: Theme 1: Championing resiliency, Theme 2: Championing the assumption of responsibility, Theme 3: Championing the sense of resourcefulness, and Theme 4: Championing in becoming adaptive. The on-the-ground implementation of the curriculum from the four walls of the classrooms contributed different lived experiences of the teachers who were making sure that the agenda of MATATAG would be realized. Amidst the challenges faced by the teachers as curriculum implementers, they remained steadfast in ensuring that every student from the grade 7 level upon implementing the MATATAG curriculum will be matatag, stay matatag, and always matatag. A corresponding teacher support implementation plan, including but not limited to scheduled technical assistance, capacity-building, and psychological support is significant for teachers to continuously champion the implementation of the MATATAG curriculum.


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How to Cite

Garma, J. (2024). BEYOND THE FOUR WALLS: TEACHER’S EXPERIENCES IN CHAMPIONING THE MATATAG CURRICULUM. International Multidisciplinary Journal of Research for Innovation, Sustainability, and Excellence (IMJRISE), 1(9), 39-44.