Connection-Emotion-Action (CEA): An Emergent Theory on Teaching Internship Programs



action research , deductive axiomatic approach, emotional dimension, pedagogical partnership


In today's rapidly evolving educational landscape, effective teaching is essential for fostering students' intellectual and personal growth. As educational theories and practices continue to evolve, so does the demand for competent and skilled teachers who can adapt to these changes and meet the diverse needs of students. However, there is a notable research gap concerning the overall experiences of teaching interns in the internship program of teacher education institutions. Hence, a contextualistic theory was developed through axiomatic approach on three significant components of teaching internship. Based on the sets of axioms developed, the emerged theory states that the integration of pedagogical partnership, emotional dimension recognition, and action research within the teaching internship program fosters the holistic development and professional growth of pre-service teachers, enabling them to: (a) navigate the complexities of the teaching profession, (b) develop reflective teaching practices, and (c) enhance their pedagogical skills to effectively engage with students and stakeholders in the ever-evolving educational landscape. Future directions for theory verification are proposed to validate the emerged theory. Finally, when the theory is validated, it will serve as a foundation in the derivation of other theories in other fields.

Author Biographies

  • James Liven B. Amoro, Lapu-Lapu City College

    Instructor I, College of Education

  • Ma. Kristel O. Amoro, Lapu-Lapu City College

    Instructor I, College of Education


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How to Cite

Amoro, J. L. B., & Amoro, M. K. O. (2024). Connection-Emotion-Action (CEA): An Emergent Theory on Teaching Internship Programs. International Multidisciplinary Journal of Research for Innovation, Sustainability, and Excellence (IMJRISE), 1(9), 1-10.