Balancing Dual Roles: Lived Experiences of First-Time Single Student-Mothers in a Local College in Cebu
Single student mothers, financial constraints, time management, positive mindsetAbstract
This study explores the experiences of first-time single student mothers, focusing on the challenges they face and the strategies they employ to overcome them. The research identifies key themes related to their struggles, including financial constraints, effective time management, and maintaining a positive mindset. Financial difficulties are highlighted as a major obstacle, with single student mothers often resorting to part-time work and creative income sources to support their education and living expenses. Time management challenges are also significant, as balancing academic responsibilities with parenting duties requires meticulous scheduling and a resilient attitude. The study emphasizes the crucial role of social support and positive mindset in helping these individuals navigate their dual roles. Social interactions with friends provide emotional relief and practical assistance, while a positive outlook enables them to remain motivated despite setbacks. Overall, the study illustrates the remarkable resilience and determination of first-time single student mothers as they strive to succeed academically while fulfilling their parenting responsibilities. The findings offer insights into the unique experiences of this group and underscore the need for targeted support to help them achieve both educational and personal goals.
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