The Plight of Filipino Teachers in Dubai: A Phenomenological Study


  • Maria Lina Singco Sarip Graduate School of Education, University of the Visayas, Cebu City, Philippines Author


Collaizi’s data analysis, phenomenology, Filipino teachers' life-stories, teachers’ journey and strategies, coping mechanism


This study was undertaken to understand the life-stories of Filipino teachers in Dubai particular to those in EYS level, those in the public and private branches with focus on teacher’s journey at personal and their professional aspect. This has concentrated on the Filipino teachers: their experiences, practices, difficulties, and victories, and that each of them went through. Lastly, this research distinguished the coping strategies and the defense mechanism to be able to uphold one’s existence despite the thorns and tribulations inside work or in other places that are not covered in workplace. As a result of the use of qualitative analysis, the study realizes the following six broad themes; Communication Development, Cultural and Societal Awareness, Classroom Management, Instructional Strategies, Professional and Personal Growth and the last one being External Influence. Every theme has sub themes that show how these educators' function, survive, and transform in a multiethnic environment. The study facilitated in providing an ideal perspective to understand the issues and prospects that are faced and encountered by the Filipino teachers working in Dubai while making them realize their remarkable services and contributions to the education sector of the country hence aiming and striving continuously for professional and personal development. This study sought to uncover aspects of these teachers’ experiences to increase recognition of the difficulties faced by these professionals and improve strategies to help them achieve their goals and be recognized internationally.


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How to Cite

Sarip, M. L. (2024). The Plight of Filipino Teachers in Dubai: A Phenomenological Study. International Multidisciplinary Journal of Research for Innovation, Sustainability, and Excellence (IMJRISE), 1(7), 175-182.