Preparedness and Prevention: School Heads’ Responses to Disaster Risk Reduction Management



Prevention, Mitigation, Pre-Disaster Stage, During Disaster Stage, Post Disaster Stage, Disaster Risk Reduction Management


Studying the school head’s preparedness and prevention efforts in disaster risk reduction management can lead to safer, more resilient schools that are better equipped to handle emergencies, thereby safeguarding the educational process and protecting the lives and well-being of the entire school community. Along this line, this study aimed to determine the preparedness and prevention in disaster risk reduction management among school heads of all public elementary schools of the 1st Congressional District of Negros Occidental; Escalante City, San Carlos City, Municipalities of Calatrava, Don Salvador Benedicto and Toboso. Data for this descriptive study was collected from 166 respondents using a self-made data-gathering instrument that has passed the stringent tests of validity and reliability. Results show no significant difference in all variables during disaster stage. The responses of the school heads that were influenced by their age, sex, highest educational attainment and length of service have no relation for they practically have the same experiences in dealing with the activities in all areas in the 3 stages of DRRM. And also there is a significant relationship between preparedness, prevention and mitigation. With the study’s result, this paper calls for school administrators/principals, school officials and all stakeholders to give more focus and further planning in the preparedness and prevention of school heads’ responses to DRRM.


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How to Cite

Libre, E. (2024). Preparedness and Prevention: School Heads’ Responses to Disaster Risk Reduction Management. International Multidisciplinary Journal of Research for Innovation, Sustainability, and Excellence (IMJRISE), 1(6), 212-227.