Sustaining Stakeholders’ Performance and Commitment in the Workplace
Level of performance, perceived competence, work ethics, job attitude, job satisfaction, Level of commitmentAbstract
This study explores on sustaining the development of performance and commitment of the education stakeholders as regards to their experiences in the workplace. The study uses a descriptive-correlational research design with the use of questionnaires and interviews. Quantitative and qualitative data are analyzed and interpreted to answer specific problems. The findings of the study revealed that the level of performance concerning personal factors of perceived competence, work ethics, and job attitude had no significant relationship with the level of commitment. However, job satisfaction was the only factor that had a significant relationship with the level of commitment. The level of performance of the respondents concerning personal factors of perceived competence, work ethics, and job attitude was very high and outstanding but the level of satisfaction of the respondents was in the level of moderately satisfied. The level of commitment of the respondents was only average. The level of performance concerning personal factors of perceived competence, work ethics, and job attitude had no significant relationship with the level of commitment. However, job satisfaction was the only factor that had a significant relationship with the level of commitment.
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