Team-Building Skills, Emotional Intelligence, and Decision-Making Skills of Elected Barangay Officials



Barangay Officials, Decision making, Emotional intelligence


This study aimed to determine the levels of team-building skills, emotional intelligence, and decision-making skills of Elected Barangay Officials in one of the cities in Negros Oriental for the Calendar Year 2022.  This study used the descriptive research design to determine the levels of team-building skills, emotional intelligence, and decision-making skills of Barangay Officials in one of the cities in Negros Oriental for the Calendar Year 2022, where 108 barangay officials will answer a self-made questionnaire which is validated and tested for reliability. Descriptive, comparative, and relational analytical are the analytical schemes and frequency and percentage, Mean, Mann-Whitney U Test, Spearman Rank-Order coefficient of Correlation, or Spearman rho as the Statistical tools. The results showed that younger and more senior respondents were evenly matched in number, with more respondents having served six years or more, and most were college graduates.  The level of team-building skills of the elected barangay officials in all areas was “high.”  The level of emotional intelligence of the elected barangay officials in all areas was likewise “high.” Meantime, the level of decision-making skills of the same officials was likewise “high.” When the respondents were grouped according to age, length of service, and highest educational attainment, the level of team-building skills of the elected barangay officials in communication, teamwork, motivation, and problem-solving were also “high.”  Likewise, when the respondents were grouped according to age, length of service, and highest educational attainment, the level of emotional intelligence of the elected barangay officials in the areas of self-awareness, self-regulation, self-management, and empathy was “high level.” When the respondents were grouped according to age, length of service, and highest educational attainment, the level of decision-making skills of the elected barangay officials in the areas of interpersonal skills, collaboration skills, critical thinking skills, and active listening skills was "high level." No significant difference existed in the level of team-building skills of the elected barangay officials in the areas of communication, teamwork, motivation, and problem-solving when grouped and compared according to age and length of service. While a significant difference existed in the level of team-building skills of the elected barangay officials in the area of teamwork when grouped and compared according to highest educational attainment. No significant difference existed in the level of emotional intelligence of the elected barangay officials in the areas of self-awareness, self-regulation, self-management, and empathy when grouped and compared according to age, length of service, and highest educational attainment. Moreover, no significant difference existed in the level of decision-making skills of the elected barangay officials in the areas of interpersonal skills, collaboration skills, critical thinking skills, and active listening skills when grouped and compared according to age, length of service, and highest educational attainment. Further, a significant relationship exists between the level of team-building skills and the level of emotional intelligence of the elected barangay officials. A significant relationship existed between the level of emotional intelligence and the level of decision makings skills of the elected barangay officials. And a significant relationship existed between the level of team-building and the level of decision makings skills of the elected barangay officials.


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How to Cite

Dejito, M. ., & Hermosura, W. . (2024). Team-Building Skills, Emotional Intelligence, and Decision-Making Skills of Elected Barangay Officials. International Multidisciplinary Journal of Research for Innovation, Sustainability, and Excellence (IMJRISE), 1(2), 241-254.

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