Why Teach in the Philippines: Voices of the Committed Public Elementary School Teachers



Commitment, P.E.R.E.Z Work Commitment Model, multiple case study, reasons


This study investigated the reasons why teachers stayed and remain committed to the teaching profession despite opportunities abroad. It delved into their experiences, which reinforced their decision to stay. The participants of this study are 10 Filipino teachers who shared their unique experiences through one-on-one interviews using an online platform. This qualitative study employs a multiple case study following Robert Yin’s multiple case study format, using a validated semi-structured interview as the primary method of data collection. Each case was analyzed using the with-in-case analysis. In order to answer the domain of inquiry of this study and to come up with themes and models as the output of this research study, thematic analysis was utilized. With thorough investigation and treatment of data, five major themes emerged: Filipino Teachers are Steadfast and Secured, Filipino Teachers Cultivating Tomorrow's Leaders, Filipino Teachers Toward Career Heights, Upholding the Dignity of Filipino Teachers, and Heart at Home. This study reveals that teachers have diverse reasons for staying in the profession. From the generated themes, a work commitment model was developed, called the P.E.R.E.Z Work Commitment Model. This work commitment model describes the fundamental reasons why Filipino educators, instead of pursuing opportunities abroad, choose to remain dedicated to their job in the Philippines. Moreover, this can be used to understand and address the factors that influence the dedication of Filipino teachers to their work in the Philippines. People in authority may develop ways on how to retain teachers in the Philippines and maintain their commitment with the use of this model.


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How to Cite

Perez, J. (2024). Why Teach in the Philippines: Voices of the Committed Public Elementary School Teachers. International Multidisciplinary Journal of Research for Innovation, Sustainability, and Excellence (IMJRISE), 1(7), 41-54. https://risejournals.org/index.php/imjrise/article/view/563

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