Enhancing Literacy Development in Elementary Education: A Comprehensive Approach



Foundational reading skills, Academic language proficiency, Disciplinary literacy, Literacy development


This study explores the intricate interplay between foundational reading skills, academic language proficiency, and disciplinary literacy in fostering students' overall literacy development and academic success. Drawing upon a comprehensive review of the literature, the study underscores the critical importance of addressing these components holistically in literacy instruction. Foundational reading skills, including phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, and comprehension, are identified as fundamental building blocks for proficient reading abilities among students. Additionally, explicit instruction in academic language proficiency, particularly for English language learners, is deemed essential for comprehending and communicating complex ideas across diverse subject areas. Furthermore, disciplinary literacy integration is shown to enhance students' deeper understanding, engagement, and critical thinking skills within specific academic disciplines. By teaching students the unique language and cognitive skills required in different subjects, educators can prepare them for success in academic and professional settings. Overall, this study underscores the interconnected nature of literacy development and advocates for holistic instructional approaches that equip students with the necessary tools for academic achievement and lifelong learning.


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How to Cite

Kilag, O. K., Abella, J. ., Lopez, R., Tangpus, X. M., Boton, E., & Tango-an, N. (2024). Enhancing Literacy Development in Elementary Education: A Comprehensive Approach. International Multidisciplinary Journal of Research for Innovation, Sustainability, and Excellence (IMJRISE), 1(3), 199-205. https://risejournals.org/index.php/imjrise/article/view/205