Competence, Satisfaction and Motivation on Distance Teaching of English Teachers
English Language Teaching Competence, Satisfaction , Motivation , Distance teachingAbstract
This quantitative-qualitative study aimed to investigate the English teachers’ competence, satisfaction, and motivation on distance teaching while considering external factors such as sex, age, educational attainment, type of school, education level taught, and length of English teaching experience. It involved 100 English teachers from public and private elementary, secondary and tertiary schools in the 4th District of Iloilo. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect the needed data. Means, percentages, and frequency counts, Mann-Whitney U-test, Kruskal Wallis, Multiple Regression, and Kendall's tau-b correlation were utilized to interpret the results. English teachers are highly competent, satisfied, and highly motivated in distance teaching as a whole and when grouped according to their personal profile. There are no significant differences in competence and satisfaction when grouped according to their personal profile except in educational attainment. Moreover, there are no significant differences in their motivation when categorized as to their personal profile. There is a significant relationship between English teachers' educational attainment and competence and motivation on distance teaching. There is a weak, positive correlation between competence and satisfaction, competence and motivation, and satisfaction and motivation on distance teaching of the respondents. A proposed training design was crafted out of the results of the study.
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