Sustainable Asset Management System  in Public Education



Discipline, Asset Management System, Design, Quantitative, Geography-Mandaue City


This research assessed the level of implementation of the asset management system in the Supply and Property  Unit at the Department of Education Mandaue City Division for calendar year 2022. The research questions  included the relevant information of respondents which were composed of school heads and school property  custodians. The study employed a descriptive quantitative survey research design in adherence to DepEd Order  No. 042 s.2018 and DepEd Order No. 41, s. 2021. Findings of the study showed that as to the profile of the  school heads, majority of them have an age bracket of 51 and above, mostly females and married. Most of  them have plantilla positions of Principal I and IV. Their years of experience as custodians are at least 7 years  and most of them have attended related trainings and seminars. For property custodians, most of them comes  from the age bracket of 46-50, mostly females and married. Their years of experience as custodians ranges  from 1-5 years and most of them have attended related trainings and seminars. The study was delimited to the  following areas of implementation: delivery, inspection, receipts of materials and equipment, recording and  updating of asset registry, and relief from accountability. All of the levels of implementation were interpreted  as well implemented. The number of years’ experience of the respondents and the number of trainings and  seminars attended were not significant as to the correlation with the level of implementation. Both the  respondent groups are all knowledgeable with the asset management process and procedures.


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How to Cite

Gerebese, M. J., Elimanco, H., & Gomez, A. . (2024). Sustainable Asset Management System  in Public Education. International Multidisciplinary Journal of Research for Innovation, Sustainability, and Excellence (IMJRISE), 1(2), 301-306.