Exploring Multiculturalism and Educational Leadership: A Systematic Review of Global Perspectives



Multiculturalism, educational leadership, diversity, inclusion, intersectionality, globalization


This systematic review explores the intricate relationship between multiculturalism and educational leadership by synthesizing existing literature across diverse societies. Through an analysis of various interpretations and applications of multiculturalism, leadership approaches, intersectionality of identities, and global influences, the study illuminates the complexities inherent in promoting diversity and inclusivity within educational settings. Findings reveal the importance of context-specific leadership strategies that recognize the diverse needs and experiences of students and stakeholders. Moreover, the study underscores the significance of understanding intersectionality in addressing systemic inequities and promoting social justice. As educational institutions grapple with the challenges of globalization and transnational influences, leaders must navigate global trends while remaining responsive to local contexts. By fostering culturally responsive leadership practices, educational leaders can contribute to the creation of inclusive learning environments that celebrate diversity and empower all members of the school community. This review highlights the importance of ongoing research and dialogue in advancing equitable and socially just educational systems globally.


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How to Cite

Groenewald, C. A., Groenewald, E., Uy, F., Mugadza, J. M., Cuyos, A. N. ., & Kilag, O. K. (2024). Exploring Multiculturalism and Educational Leadership: A Systematic Review of Global Perspectives. International Multidisciplinary Journal of Research for Innovation, Sustainability, and Excellence (IMJRISE), 1(3), 45-50. https://risejournals.org/index.php/imjrise/article/view/174