Published May 6, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Evaluation of Training Requirements and Demographic Correlates Among Manufacturing Company Production Workers: Implications for Workforce Development



This study assesses the demographic data and training requirements of production workers in a manufacturing organization, with a focus on the consequences for workforce development. It emphasizes how important human resource management is to supporting the development and productivity of employees. According to the report, customized training programs are essential for keeping up with changing market demands and technology innovations. The study, which employs a descriptive-correlational methodology, finds that manufacturing workers have moderate needs for technical and analytical training and that these needs have strong connections with demographic characteristics. Customized training programs, ongoing skills development techniques, emphasizing safety training, and encouraging employee involvement are among the recommendations. The study identifies its shortcomings, including its concentration on a single business and possible biases in self-reported data, and recommends directions for further investigation into longitudinal patterns and qualitative insights. All things considered, it offers insightful information on improving training efficacy and encouraging organizational achievement in the manufacturing industry.

Keywords: Training needs, production workers, workforce development, tailored training programs, demographic factors


IMJRISE V1(5) 072-078 - 10 - Evaluation-of-Training-Requirements-and-Demographic-Correlates-Among-Manufacturing-Company-Production-Workers-Implications-for-Workforce-Development.pdf