Published May 6, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Empowering Teachers: Integrating Technology into Livelihood Education for a Digital Future


This systematic review explores the integration of technology into livelihood education and its impact  on teacher empowerment and student preparedness for a digital future. Through a comprehensive  analysis of relevant literature, the study highlights the benefits of technology integration in vocational  education, including enhanced student engagement, improved learning outcomes, and personalized  instruction. The findings emphasize the crucial role of teacher empowerment in successful technology  adoption, with ongoing professional development and support programs proving instrumental in  equipping educators with the necessary skills and confidence to leverage technology effectively.  However, the digital divide remains a significant challenge, with unequal access to technology and  the internet hindering inclusive education. Recommendations for addressing this gap include  collaborative efforts and inclusive initiatives to extend technology access to underserved  communities. Furthermore, the study underscores the importance of balancing technological  education with the development of essential soft skills to prepare students for the demands of an ever changing job market. The implications of this research have significant implications for educational  practice and policy, highlighting the need to prioritize teacher empowerment and create future 
oriented vocational education ecosystems that foster a skilled and adaptable workforce. 

Keywords: Technology integration, Livelihood education, Vocational education, Teacher  empowerment, Digital future


IMJRISE V1(5) 065-071 - 09 - Empowering Teachers Integrating Technology into Livelihood Education.pdf