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Published April 13, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Context Matters: The Influence of Organizational Dynamics on the Utilization of Academic Management Research



This integrative literature review examines the challenges surrounding the utilization of academic management research in organizational decision-making processes. Four key findings emerge: limited utilization of academic research, challenges in translating research into practice, the role of contextual factors, and the impact of academic paradigms. Despite the abundance of scholarly works, practitioners often prioritize other sources of information over academic studies. The complexity of real-world managerial challenges presents obstacles to translating theoretical insights into actionable strategies within organizational contexts. Contextual factors, including organizational culture and societal norms, influence the relevance and applicability of management research. Academic paradigms may prioritize theoretical rigor over practical relevance, leading to a disconnect between academic research and managerial decision-making processes. Addressing this gap requires collaboration and openness between scholars and practitioners to reconcile differences and enhance the relevance and impact of management research in organizational settings.

Keywords: management research, organizational decision-making, utilization, translation, contextual factors
