Out-of-Field Teaching: High School Social Studies Teachers in Focus
out-of-field teaching, social studies, pedagogical content knowledge, classroom management, psychological strain, professional developmentAbstract
Out-of-field teaching, a practice often born out of necessity, raised serious concerns about the integrity of educational standards. This study investigated the phenomenon of out-of-field teaching among Social Studies teachers in junior high schools in the Philippines. Employing a descriptive phenomenological approach, the research explored the lived experiences of out-of-field teachers, examining the challenges they faced and the strengths they exhibited. The study identified significant deficits in pedagogical content knowledge, limited resources, classroom management struggles, and psychological strain as key challenges. On the other hand, it highlighted adaptability, growth, and passion for teaching as strengths demonstrated by these educators. The study emphasized the critical role of professional development, peer collaboration, and targeted support in addressing gaps in content mastery and teaching effectiveness. Although some teachers perceive student success, their lack of confidence suggests potential gaps. This discrepancy necessitates further research to quantitatively assess student learning outcomes under these circumstances. Recommendations included tailored training programs, mentorship initiatives, updated teaching resources, and mental health support systems to mitigate stress and burnout. By addressing these needs, the study aimed to improve teacher performance and student learning outcomes, contributing to the broader discourse on educational quality within the context of out-of-field teaching under the K to 12 curriculum.
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Copyright (c) 2025 James S. Pino, LPT, Skye Anitra S. Largo, LPT, Dichie Mae M. Brigoli, LPT (Author)
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