Impact of Utang na Loob Concept on the Filipino Young Adults


  • Joyce B. Abogadie Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, School of Liberal Arts, Saint Francis of Assisi College Author
  • Joyce Yvon Dealca Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, School of Liberal Arts, Saint Francis of Assisi College Author
  • Allen Stephen L. Repil Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, School of Liberal Arts, Saint Francis of Assisi College Author
  • Jhoniel C. Samoling Psychology Professor/Guidance Advocate/Mental Health Advocate Cavite State University | Saint Francis of Assisi College Author


Utang na Loob, Filipino Young Adults, Qualitative Case Study


In the phase of Filipino young adults that experience utang na loob, face the challenge of balancing commitment and studies and non-biological parent the relationship to young adults who give educational support. According to Jusay (2021), the individual who finishes study because of the relative's help, can repay them after they get a job in the future. This study is about young adults, it shapes their response and perception when repaying a favor, considering their personal conscience and group pressure. The aim of the study is to foster awareness and understanding, providing perspectives on how young individuals navigate the balance between personal, moral beliefs, and societal norms. In this study, Filipino young adults between the ages of 18 - 26, who reside in Las Piñas City, supporting financially or educational support by the non-biological parent are the primary participants. Researchers used qualitative case study methodology. The findings and discussion section of qualitative case study research addresses various perceptions of young adults regarding the concept of utang na loob that were gathered throughout the course of the data collection. The proposed intervention program that the researchers come up to help the young adults based on their findings and suggestions, to promote the core of utang na loob in the aspect of Filipino characteristics of Conscience and Group Pressure. The Rationale of this program, when repaying kindness and favors, young adults might feel compelled due to societal standard, and it can lead to negative or positive aspects of their lives. This study is about their experiences and perception about utang na loob and researchers want for the participants to elaborate how the utang na loob shapes them. The intervention program is through seminar with the theme "Set of Limitation: Letting Filipinos Feel Free from the Chain of Repaying a Favor" that can impart knowledge that promotes a culture of kindness and mutual support.


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How to Cite

Abogadie, J., Dealca, J. Y., Repil, A. S. ., & Samoling, J. (2025). Impact of Utang na Loob Concept on the Filipino Young Adults. International Multidisciplinary Journal of Research for Innovation, Sustainability, and Excellence (IMJRISE), 2(1), 29-36.