Translating Knowledge into Innovative Teaching: A Systematic Mixed-Method Review of Gamified Flipped Classrooms
Gamified Flipped Classrooms, Knowledge Translation Practices, PRISMA, Mixed Method Research Designs, Mixed-Methods Systematic ReviewAbstract
This systematic review employs a mixed-methods approach to investigate studies on gamified flipped classrooms that utilize diverse mixed-method research designs, specifically focusing on publications from 2023 to 2024. Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, a total of 203 articles were screened from databases including Science Direct, Knimbus, Eric and Google Scholar , of which seven met the inclusion criteria for comprehensive analysis. The review delves into the various mixed-method research designs employed in these studies, as well as the tools and environments incorporated into gamified flipped classrooms, examining the specific gamification elements that enhance student engagement. Additionally, it examines the theoretical frameworks that guide the design and implementation of these interventions, emphasizing how these frameworks inform the interpretation of findings and address a range of educational challenges. Key variables affecting the effectiveness of gamified flipped classrooms are analyzed, alongside the obstacles that educators encounter during implementation. The review identifies effective strategies that highlight the potential of gamified flipped classrooms to foster active learning and improve educational outcomes. The insights gleaned from this systematic review have been translated into practical applications, including the development of a targeted teacher training workshop and a student engagement toolkit. These efforts underscore the significance of innovative teaching methodologies and equitable access to technology in enhancing educational quality and impact. Ultimately, this research aims to deepen the understanding of gamified flipped classrooms, serving as a foundation for future educational innovation across diverse learning environments.
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Copyright (c) 1970 Amelton I. Ofril, MAEd, LPT, Mary Gold N. Ofril, MAEd, LPT (Author)
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