Examining Undergraduate Student Acceptance of Virtual Laboratories in physics classes: An Extended TAM Model
virtual laboratory, technology acceptance model (TAM), e-learning, higher education, smart PLSAbstract
Following the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual laboratories have gained popularity in higher education. It is essential to explore the factors influencing students' acceptance of these virtual labs, particularly in the field of physics where research remains limited. This study proposes a framework based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to examine the factors of behavioral intention among undergraduate engineering students regarding virtual lab usage. The TAM model was extended by integrating prior experience, perceived enjoyment, facilitating conditions, and information quality. A partial least square structural equation modeling was employed to analyze the survey responses from 80 undergraduate engineering students at South Mediterranean University. Results indicate that students’ behavioral intention is directly influenced by perceived usefulness and indirectly influenced by information quality and perceived enjoyment. The findings of this study provide valuable insights for educators and instructional designers to improve the design and the effectiveness of virtual labs in physics classes.
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