Acculturation Journey of Filipino Special Education Teacher in USA: An Autoethnography



autoethnography, acculturation, Filipino special education teacher, cultural identity, professional growth, Cross-Cultural SpEd Teacher Model, cultural adaptation, teaching practices


The purpose of this study was to explore my acculturation journey as a Filipino special education teacher in the USA. It drew from my personal and professional journal entries to describe this experience. The primary aim was to understand how my experiences shape the acculturation process in an American context. By providing an in-depth, personal account, the study sought to fill a gap in knowledge about the acculturation experiences of Filipino educators in foreign settings. Using a qualitative methodology, the study involved analyzing my personal narratives through Braun and Clarke’s thematic analysis method. Conducted ethnographically, it details my journey from pre-departure preparations to my ongoing adaptation in the USA. This led to the identification of key themes: Cultural Adaptation in Teaching Practices, Language and Communication Barriers, Navigating Systems and Policies, Experiences of Inclusion and Exclusion, Coping Strategies and Resilience, and Preservation of my Cultural Identity. The findings were valuable for developing effective strategies in educational institutions in both the Philippines and the USA. A significant outcome of this research was the development of the Cross-Cultural SpEd Teacher Model (CCSTM). This theoretical framework was designed to explore my experiences in navigating two distinct cultural and educational environments. It captured the integration of Filipino and American educational practices and how this fusion affects my professional identity and teaching methods. The CCSTM aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics in cross-cultural educational settings, highlighting the opportunities and challenges inherent in such environments.


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How to Cite

Sagrado, D. C., & Malbas, M. . (2024). Acculturation Journey of Filipino Special Education Teacher in USA: An Autoethnography. International Multidisciplinary Journal of Research for Innovation, Sustainability, and Excellence (IMJRISE), 1(6), 733-747.

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