Teachers’ Competence in Action Research
Education, action research, research skills, competence, Negros Occidental, PhilippinesAbstract
Studying teachers' competence in action research can lead to improved teaching practices and a culture of innovation within the school. In this context, this study examined the teachers' levels of competence in action research in a District in a 2nd class municipality of a large Division in Central Philippines during the school year 2022-2023. Data needed for this descriptive study was collected from 139 teachers using a self-made data-gathering instrument that has passed the stringent validity and reliability tests. Initial analysis showed that most teachers are younger, have lower educational backgrounds and shorter teaching experience, and belong to the lower plantilla position. The ensuing analysis showed that teachers are highly competent in action research according to problem identification, proposal writing, and research completion. Teachers have high competence in action research when grouped and compared according to age, educational attainment, length of service, and plantilla position. A significant difference exists in the level of competence of teachers in action research in problem identification according to their length of service. The results of this study call for extensive training and seminars in action research, wider online resources, scholarship, rewards, and technical assistance to further elevate the levels of research competence of teachers.
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